Monday, October 31, 2005

Slovene Snapshot...

Its coming fast and I am just over a week of when I will be flying back to Slovenia!!

There are just a few things that need to fall into place so that I can go. According to my records I only need $305 a month for my monthly support. Josiah Venture however is saying that I need $805 of monthly support. Why is this?! Well unfortunately Josiah Venture can’t go on promised pledges. I’ve spoken with many of you about sending in your support and you have been so incredible gracious. Thank you!

If you are considering sending support, now is a Great time to do it!! Josiah Venture won’t let me go until I am at 100% of my monthly support, and like I said promised pledges aren’t good enough for them.

Thanks so much for your participation and prayers!

Please Direct Support to:
Josiah Venture
PO Box 4317
Wheaton, IL 60189

• Please pray that the rest of my monthly support will not only be pledged but also come in!
• Also please pray for added dental and health expenses that I have incurred since I’ve been in the states to be covered as well!

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