Monday, October 06, 2008


These past few months have been filled with an incredible amount of questions, prayer and seeking advice from different mentors. All of this has led me to make the difficult decision, in December I will leave the ministry here in Slovenia. I never thought that my decision to leave would be harder to make then my decision to come. The reality is that Slovenia, the Josiah Venture team, and the church here have become a home for me. Leaving is going to be difficult!

Recently I've felt the hand of the Lord that has kept me here in Slovenia has been lifted. I have begun to hear the phrase, "It's time." repeated to me. I still have many questions and a lot of unknowns. But even with these questions I believe that now feels like the right time for me to step into them.

So that is whats upcoming. :)

1 comment:

Nessie said...

I'm proud of you for listening to the voice of the obey without understanding is a difficult thing to do! I love you and have enjoyed sharing in your adventures via your're in my prayers during this difficult transition.