Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A few favorites from Malta...

A bit more about Malta, just because it was so great! Thank you to all of you that sent me notes and cards. It was so encouraging to be loved on by so many of you. I felt like I was treated like royalty this week!! The hotel was incredible, Malta gorgeous and the CHN staff fantastic! I only wish it could have been a few days longer...

View from my hotel room.

The waterfront of Valletta the capitol.

With Krista Ashmen, a friend from college who is serving with her husband in Sweden.

The group of us! Zvonko and Dubravka. Seba and Glorija. David and Katka. Me and Krista. Thank Jesse for taking this picture!

Jesse, Krista and I in Valletta.

Standing in front of the small island where the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked.

Katka and I in the city of Mdina. A quiet sweet walled in city.

Walking the quiet streets of Mdina.

:) That was a lot of fun Krista. I wont forget that!

Amazing waters on the island of Gozo.

Not the safest thing Ive ever done. But it sure was fun! This was in the Count of Monte Cristo.


Alec and Becky said...

so awesome. i'm jealous you got to see the ashmens!!! i saw an extreme rock climbing video of a guy trying to climb the underside of that arch you are standing on in the last photo!! how great!! did you get my cards and pics? I sent them a bit late. i love you!!

Alec and Becky said...

i just read your email and you answered my ?s. =) silly me.

Mišo said...
