Monday, January 15, 2007

My Day today....

So looking at the clock it is 5pm here, but 8am in the States...

Its so funny to me that my day is nearing an end while so many people I dearly love are just waking up and going to work or school or to wherever people go when they dont have work or school. This is what I did today in case you were curious...

8am-10:30am Prayer Meeting. Walked. It was cold...but not as cold as winter should be.
10:30-11am Hung out with Erin. Helped her with Slovene. Yah, ME help someone with Slovene!
11-1:30pm Took the bus to Obcina (Place to renew my visa). I got a seat on the bus---AND right over the heater. AND the line wasnt very long at the Obcina. I had my Harry Potter book and ipod just in case.
1:30-2:30 Lunch with Anna. Potato Soup. Perfect for chilly weather.
2:30-4pm Random office stuff that I probably should have done in the office. Oh well.
4-5pm Study Slovene.
5pm Update Blog

At 6:30pm we have a highschool meeting at David and Katka's. And that will pretty much wrap up my day.

3 words to describe me these days...
Clinging (to Jesus)

Oh the picture is of Erin and I an Ikea kitchen...Im glad she is on our team!!

If you wanna see something cool check this out. Its one of my new favorite things...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, Christina,
I had to look up assiduous--new word--"unremitting attention"--don't know how that applies to me these days--sometimes I am an assiduous pray-er??