Thursday, July 10, 2008

Favorite moments at the castle

Every year I walk away from this camp with memories, favorite moments, and new friends. Here is a little peek into some of those...

Last year David (middle) gave a talk that impacted Polona (right). This year Polona got up and shared her testimony. Deeply impacting all those who listened--including me. It was one of my proudest moments seeing her step out in faith and speak about Jesus!

Favorite roommate Sonja (plus Kim who isnt in this picture)

Quite possibly the best part of the day was my meeting every morning with these two. We would talk about the day ahead and how we could stand with each other. It was always really encouraging. These guys are awesome! David (left) was the American Team leader and Miso (right) was the camp director.

Never in my life have I heard thunder so loud! I felt like the entire castle was shaking. Caleb and Joey almost instantly came running and shouting about how they watched lighting strike about 5 feet in front of them! What a day!

Definitely my most Asian Moment. We did Asian night for the first time. It was a blast!!

Stickiest Moment by far! I now have a new skill. Making cotton candy!

Happiest Moment. With my little brother Caleb and my other brother (in the Lord) Gasper. Two guys I care so much about!!

Most embarrassing moment. Walking in on these guys in the upstairs room as they were practising for their skit. Nothing else to say about that!

A very surreal moment. Again, watching my brother connect with people I love so dearly! Caleb and Tomy just chilling!

Wow, watching these girls serve, love, and share Christ with the students at camp. This might have been my favorite moment of them all. At one point these girls were students coming to camp. Now they practically are running it!! These girls are incredible!!! Mateja, Naja, and Polona.


Josh and Kristi said...

Oh! You make me so happy! Thank you for posting the video and these shots! We were with GS team last night and it's a joy to put your stories with theirs. We are proud of you and praying for you. My favorite was the shot of Mateja, Naja and Polona and your words about the switch to them leading! Thanks God!

Anonymous said...

Christina, I just love your blog! Really! It was so nice reading all those beautiful things you wrote! Thank you! I just love you soo much*** Hope to see you soon! Can't wait to talk with you...

Alec and Becky said...

How exciting! Praise God for how He's working! I'm praying your theology training is awesome!! Love and miss you bunches!!

Unknown said...

Wow...such awesome pictures and what a great ministry! Sad to hear you're leaving and excited that you're coming home! Life is full of crazy paradigms, isn't it? What a legacy you will leave with the soil ripe for the harvest that others can now reap! Enjoy these last few months! Love you, friend!