Saturday, June 25, 2005

A different kind of Adventure...

ts so amazing to think back on the year that I have experienced here in Slovenija. I said I would come here and be here for one year exactly, and then go back to the States. And yet, I feel the Lord calling me to step deeper into Him, to step deeper into realtionships with those around me and to step Deeper into this culture that I am slowly becoming adjusted too.

Two nights a go thousands of students flooded the streets of Ljubljana for a "Welcome to Summer" Party. Students everywhere could be seen doing drugs, drinking, and enjoying all of the pleasures this life has to offer. As I walked among them, I felt like a small flame of light in a world that was so so dark. Although seemingly happy and enjoying themselves, I saw so much brokenness, so much emptiness, and so much blindness to Truth.

Tomorrow morning we get the chance to step into relationship with these same students! We will be getting on buses and heading out to a castle in Austria for our first of two camps! Sunday June 26-July 3 Camp I in Milstatt Austria and then our second camp, Tuesday July 5-12 Camp II in Osilnica Slovenia. At these camps we will have the opportunity to develop relationships with them, and become a part of the work that God is already doing in them. It is so exciting to be about the work of God!

Already we are feeling the weight of this Spiritual Battle that we are stepping into. We need your prayers More then ever right now!!!! So for the next two weeks will you commit to be praying for us??? I am attatching some prayer requests at the end of this email. Thank you so much for your part in creating a movement of God among the youth of Slovenija.

Prayer Requests:
Health for David as he is directing the first camp. As well as health for Anna and myself (we are all feeling not quite 100%!).
That kids would have eyes to see their lostness and need for a Savior.
That they would see the hope found in Jesus Christ
For me as I teach 3 hours of English a Day!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A few moments of thought...

I only have a few moments before worship nite starts. I am helping Anna put up some brown paper that we will later right on...Who Jesus is according to the book of Colossians. Today I walked downtown to a little craft market and I bought a few gifts. I then went to an all church picnic, which was just delightful. I am a bit tired and raspy--i have a smokers voice, but don't worry mom i haven't started smoking, its from being sick. Sl, im looking forward to a night of worshiping with my friends. And these are my few moments of thoughts...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Breathing Deeply

Recently I was in the Czech Republic at an Intern Training for Josiah Venture English Camps that I will be involved in this Summer. Student from America come to the JV Headquarters to be trained before setting out to many different countries across Eastern Europe. My position was unique because I did not have a team of Interns for Slovenija that I was leading (I WAS the intern). My position was to help lead a workshop on Living a Lifestyle of Evangelism. After my workshop I realized that I didn't have any other responsiblities that I was initially called to. So, I then felt a draw to take upon myself the responsiblity to connect with the Student Interns that were at the conference. I was immediately drawn to enter into their story and become a part of what they were involved in for the summer. However, after recognizing in myself an intense exhuastion every time I started up a conversation I realized that I actually did not have to connect with these students. Infact after that week I would probably never see them again. It was then that I began to pull out and use my free time to journal and spend time with Lord. I spent a lot of time thinking through what the Lord had called me to this summer and wrestling thru the many questions that were on my mind and heart. I also took a few long afternoon naps!! I left the Cech Republic feeling deeply refreshed. I feltl ike I was able to step out of the cloud the so often hovers over Slovenija and see clearly the Lord's work in my life. It was exciting. It was challenging. And it got me thinking about many different things. Get Ready Summer...Here I come!