Friday, April 21, 2006

New Life!

In my last entry "Croatian Church Conference" I mentioned a man named Klemen that practically ran to the front of the stage when an altar call was given. I asked you to pray for his wife Ema who was not yet a Christian. On Easter Sunday, the 16th, Ema gave her life to Christ!Ema is Bosnian, and came from a strict Muslim family. She said, “I think that God has been pursuing me since childhood.” “I used to make my mother so angry because I always prayed to God and not to ‘Allah’. I always had a sense that there was only one God, and His name wasn’t ‘Allah’. She also said, “It’s like a huge burden has been lifted. Islam only offered and un-ending list of rules... The feeling of being totally forgiven and clean is…AMAZING!” {On Tuesday before she became a Christian, Josh Patty asked her about her day and she replied, "I'm having a hard time keeping up with my school work." Then she held up the New Testament that we had given her and said, "I just can't stop reading this book!"} The battle is obvious but God is on the move out here! Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord! :-)