Wednesday, July 04, 2007

God Bless America...

Today a group of us went over to Johnny's house for a 4th of July BBQ. Afterwards, since we didnt have an American Flag, we found one on Google and all stood around the computer. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang the Star Spangled Banner, and then watched a fireworks show on the computer. It didnt last long though cause a little box kept popping up on the screen telling us "this is a trial version please register for the real version" or something like that. Well, it was memorable at least!!


GasperK said...

Hey next year i bet you can get into the American embasy 4th July party. They had a huge one in krizanke.

Alec and Becky said...

God bless America. =) i miss you! i love you!