Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The coolest kids in the world...

JV Kids just happen to be the greatest!! Camp was so so much fun, here is a little taste...

My group--the Ducks.
Our own beach!

Wet swimsuits...all week long...
Lots and lots of sunscreen!
Playing Ultimate What?! with squid.
The Ducks wanting to take the squid home.
Scavenger hunt, deserted island, a few monks and a solitary monastery.
Gracie asking if the monks did crafts.
Learning from Andrea.
Praying for the persecuted church.
Praying for our friends.
Praying together.
Becca Patty's sweet prayers.
Nina, my little surfer girl.
Kelsie's gift.
Gracie announcing she had Hug Deprivation.
Emily's hugs.
Kiley's amazing cleaning skills.
Many little girls falling out of beds and talking in their sleep.
Late night runs with Katka.
Staff meetings.
Staff Perks.
Worshiping together with Hannah and Tyler.
Many Hugs.


Amy Lawlor said...

ok...i am actually crying looking at these pictures. really wish i could have been there. looks like an amazing week and i am so glad you were able to be with those girls again. thinking of you guys often and wishing there were some way i could be there and here at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Great summary of the week at camp. I'm so glad Gracie has you as her Duck Leader!
Andrea PItcher

Krista said...

awesome pictures! looking forward to seeing you in about a week :)