Monday, October 08, 2007


Im taking a little survey. In America I was told to change the oil in my car every 3 months or after 3,000 miles. Here in Slovenija I've been told once a year or after 20,000 kilometers (12,427miles). Is this something that truly differs from country to country?? How often do you change your oil?


Unknown said...

It's the oil change companies in the US that tell you to change your oil every 3000 miles. Every car I've ever owned has listed at least 7500 miles in the manual, which is about twice a year for most Americans. However, since in Europe it costs about 5x what it does in the States to get an oil change, they stretch it out as long as possible!

Unknown said...

Well, I have been told every 30,000 over here which my Opel Combo Tour Service book states. Oh man, it's time once again to get the car serviced. Thanks for reminding me. Take care.

Alec and Becky said...

wish i could help you... i have mine changed every 3 months, but I don't know anything about European cars. I do know that i miss you and it's well past due for us to chat. What works for you this week? Any morning (my morning, your afternoon) between 6 and 8 AM my time is great. i love you!
i miss you!

Krista said...

good question:)...the same one has been swimming around in my head... i change my oil here about 2x a year, mostly because it is freaking expensive! like 100USD... but i feel guilty about that because my dad trained me to change it when the sticker says or every 3 months... but if i do that here i'll go broke. i don't know what the Mazda manual says... i don't think i even have one... oh ya, i do... it's in german :)let me know what you conclude!

Neja said...

Ask Zvonko, Seba, Katka... the people that actually know the answers to your questions :)