Last week was REALLY busy. A few things that I did...
- Hung out for an hour an half with my language tutor AFTER class just talking about life...
- Sat on Kristi Pattys couch and held baby Luka.
- Tried to get on a Slovene Cell Phone plan...will try again in two weeks...
- Began the visa renewal process. Stood in line with a bunch of other foreigners.
- Learned how to do a pirouette in my dance class. Or tried to learn. Its harder then you may think!!
- Gave the talk in youth group about community.
- Got the highest score in bowling! However it was at our junior high event so I was competing against 13year olds...
- Went to Catholic mass and youth group. We sang a song and did The CanCan and a Train. Me, a monk, a priest, a nun, and about 20 teenagers. Wish you could have seen it.
- Last night after church Naja and I ate bowls of cereal and watched Raise Your Voice (ANOTHER Hilary Duff movie).
Friday I go to Croatia for our Cakovec Conference!!! Cant Wait!