Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Church and The Rubik's Cube

So for Christmas Anna told me that she wanted either a manorra or a rubik's cube. A bit random I thought, but I chose the rubik's cube. It was a HIT! In fact, now anytime everyone gets together, the cubes come out. Yes cubeS. Johnny went out and bought one, after becoming intrigued with Anna's. Then Gasper started bringing the one he has from home. Now it is very common to talk about technique and speed and random websites with new strategies. Yah, thats the latest thing to hit here. Yes even as I write this Anna and Johnny are sitting at our kitchen table discussing the latest moves and playing with the rubik's cube. Fascinating.

Oh, I also became a church member at Ljubljana Baptist Church. I REALLY love my church.


nate hughes said...

Rubik's Cube?! Seriously?! I hate that thing...

Have you seen Pursuit of Happyness? The Cube has a cameo!

Anonymous said...

Who is Anna? It must be a different girl because she sounds a lot nerdier than me.