Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. President Bush

So yesterday I was buying fruit and the Fruit Guy informed Anna and I that Laura Bush was eating at the restaurant right around the corner. Not wanting to pass up the opportunity, Anna and I marched up to the front of the restaurant to meet the 1st Lady. I asked the Slovene security gaurd at the front door if it was ok for us to come in and meet the presidents wife. He seemed pleasantly amused at my question. The American Secret Service man wasn't so amused. He told us that she was upstairs having a meeting and that we wouldnt be able to see her. He looked like he worked for Jack Bauer. He didnt let us in. But I bet if I had yelled, she would have heard me. I think she would have liked to meet Anna and I. Oh well.

President Bush came in last night to meet up with his wife. You can read about it here

For a funny story about how a neighbor's stray chicken ended up in my living room, check out Anna's blog: http://www.stepaniangirl.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

oh my oh my oh my. i hope the fruit guy doesn't see that you called him the fruit guy!!

Amy Woodard said...

You girls are funny! I saw her visit story on the news and it looked like she walked right past your apt. Maybe if you had ate breakfast on your bench you would've had a new guest to share your meal with! I'm bummed with you. We got to see the planes and his entourage though! Next time, we'll all do tea!

Neja said...

And I had to walk home because she was in town and they blocked the whole downtown and no buses where driving! And I didn't even see the limo driving by with her in it :( ...
Hmm... you should just wait in front the door until she'd finish eating... she'd have to get out sometime eventually and then you'd see her!

Alec and Becky said...

that's crazy!! good for you for being bold!! Ms. Bush missed a great opportunity!!