Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Slovene Mistakes

Funny story. My friend Brooke gave me the number of the massage therapist--Carmen--I called to set up an appointment. Well...I decided to do it all in Slovene, to work on my language, and The conversation went like this... (translated version)

Me: Hello, my name is Christina. My friend Brooke gave me your number. Do you have time on Friday for a massage??
Carmen: Massage? You mean a haircut??
Me: No...Massage.
Carmen: Haircut?
Me: Massage.
Carmen: I dont do massages. Only haircuts.
Me: Are you Carmen?
Carmen: yes. I do haircuts.

----> Ok at this moment I realize that earlier I had also asked Brooke for a barber's phone number. It is at this moment that I make the connection that the barber and the massage lady have the same name. And I called the wrong one.

Me: ohh....well...I actually do need a haircut too. Do you have time?
Carmen: ....acting very confused..... ummm can I call you back??

Still havent heard from her. Needless to say I called the OTHER Carmen and set up an appt. For a massage. Oh confusion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually... Carmen's spelled with K :)