Saturday, January 03, 2009

A few portland pictures...

Ive only been in Portland for two days, but ive been doing lots of things! Anna and I met in Starbucks yesterday and talked for an hour. Then Sharon Mormance and Laurel Jenkins showed up and we talked and talked and talked. Totally oblivious to the time. We were tired of sitting in Starbucks, so we went out for lunch and talked a bit more! The total was over 7hrs with these girls. It was so fun to talk about Slovenia. Sharon and Laurel will be moving there in the next year with their husbands and kids. Later that night Heidi and I made coffee milkshakes and watched Prince Caspian. It was fun girl time!


Neja said...

Oh wow 7 hours!!!! That's a ton!! :D

Anonymous said...

so happy you got time with Anna. I'd love to have joined in the conversation with you


The Ashmens said...

Sounds like you all had a good time. I'm so glad for you to have those moments with the girls! I hope you fully enjoy your time in Portland! Blessings!

Trisha said...

Yeah for girl time! Hope your heart is feeling full! Will you be in Portland next week? We will!