Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Conference in Czech

The theme was Back to the Basics. In different sessions we learned about spiritual warfare and how to stand as we work to create a movement of God across Eastern Europe. I loved it. I spent time with friends that Ive known for years. Brad and Laurel Jenkins, and Matt and Sharon Mormance came to visit!! I connected with my dear JV family. We even had a Hawaiian Luau!

I was challenged to think deeper. Encouraged to grow. And of course, Invited into worship.

We stopped at Burger King on the way through Vienna

Spring Conference wouldnt be the same without JV Kids!!! They put on quite the musical! If you want to watch hop over to Terry and Lori's blog!

Family Day! Aloha! I learned that I am a decent hula hooper, but Dave Patty... could probably practice more!

Matt and Sharon. I like them a lot.

At Multnomah when I was an RA, Sharon was my RD, and Laurel my Head RA. I met weekly with both. How FUN to be together again!!! Laurel and Brad Jenkins plan to move to Slovenia soon! We can hardly wait!

The whole group. Can you find me?! Im in the middle towards the right. Holding sweet Abigail Woodard.

Pizza Hut! We stopped on the way home for dinner. We happily and sleepily arrived home at 12:30am.

1 comment:

warmbrown said...

Wow great pictures. You guys look like you had a lot of fun!!!!!!!! What type of camera do you have?